Innovating for 15 years. Family owned.
Primarily Serving Dallas Fort Worth
and Surrounding Areas.

Innovating for 15 years. Family owned. Primarily Serving Dallas Fort Worth & Surrounding Areas

"An absolute joy. They were professional and went the extra mile." ~ Reginald R.

"An absolute joy. They were professional and went the extra mile." ~ Reginald R.

A message from Tom Chentnik
CEO of IGT / Mechanical Engineer


Free consultation and quote


A message from Tom Chentnik
CEO of IGT / Mechanical Engineer



Free consultation and quote


What Our clients say

"Easy to work with... responded quickly. No sales shenanigans"

Emily Cook - Texas

"the results exceeded the projections on rate of return and how fast I will pay it off"

Donavan D - Texas

"Left my yard spotless, the system is working great, saving me money"

Dan R - Texas

"Installation went great. Super professional. Highly recommend."

Luis Castro - Texas

What Our clients say

"an absolute joy.... professional and went the extra mile"

Reginald R - Texas

"the results exceeded the projections on rate of return and how fast I will pay it off"

Donavan D - Texas

"Left my yard spotless, the system is working great, saving me money"

Dan R - Texas

"wonderful experience with the team at IGT"

Kerry S - Texas

Devang Desai achieved his goals:

How To Be Energy Independent
In Under 6 Weeks

Press Play

How To Be Energy Independent
In Under 6 Weeks

Press Play

We Do

  • Maintain the highest technical capabilities

  • Design and install systems the way we would on our homes

  • Inform and support potential customers and let sales occur organically if meant to

  • Prioritize safety and reliability

We Do Not

  • Sell door-to-door

  • Push high-fee solar loans

  • Outsource our sales

  • Use cold callers

  • Approach solar as a get-rich-quick scheme

We Do

  • Maintain the highest technical capabilities

  • Design and install systems the way we would on our homes

  • Inform and support potential customers and let sales occur organically if meant to

  • Prioritize safety and reliability

We Do Not

  • Sell door-to-door

  • Push high-fee loans

  • Outsource our sales

  • Use cold callers

  • Approach solar as a get-rich-quick scheme

IGT is one of the top 5% of contractors in the USA to be Pearl Certified

  • Customer service

  • Workmanship quality

  • Installation expertise

  • Technical training

With a Pearl Certified high-performing home you:

  • Multiply your investment

  • Increase energy efficiency

  • Enhance your well-being

Pearl Certification helps homeowners maximize the value of their solar investment for resale and appraisal with the Pearl Certification Report and completed Appraisal Addendum.

Pearl thoroughly vets all their elite contractors as part of their 3rd-party certification. We’re proud to be the best of the best.

Michael Martin has developed 280 megawatts of solar projects valued at $500 million.

Now he helps Texas businesses save thousands transitioning to clean, safe, solar power.

IGT is one of the top 5% of contractors in the USA to be Pearl Certified

  • Customer service

  • Workmanship quality

  • Installation expertise

  • Technical training

With a Pearl Certified high-performing home you:

  • Multiply your investment

  • Increase energy efficiency

  • Enhance your well-being

Pearl Certification helps homeowners maximize the value of their solar investment for resale and appraisal with the Pearl Certification Report and completed Appraisal Addendum.

Pearl thoroughly vets all their elite contractors as part of their 3rd-party certification. We’re proud to be the best of the best.

Save On Your Monthly Electric Bill

Solar panels directly offset electricity even when you’re not using it,

selling it back to the grid. And typically produce power

for less than the electric company.

Michael Martin has developed 280 megawatts of solar projects valued at $500 million. Now he helps early solar adopters and community leaders lead with clean, safe, on-site solar power in his home state of Texas.

Save On Your

Monthly Electric Bill

Solar panels directly offset electricity even when you’re not using it,

selling it back to the grid. And typically produce power

for less than the electric company.

Our Work

Own Your power

Own Your power

Solar Installer for Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, and Governmental clients since 2008.

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Contact Us

TECL: 36285

© Copyright 2023 IGT Texas. All rights reserved

Solar Installer for Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, and Governmental clients since 2008.

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Social Media Links

Contact Us

TECL: 36285

Copyright 2023 IGT Texas. All rights reserved